May 13, 1999
If I could illustrate...
what love is composed of....
I'd paint smiles,
and photos of beaming faces,
short, true letters that express simple emotions,
moments of silence that are precious instead of awkward,
an eagerness for sharing and responsibility to time,
blinded eyes and open hearts,
ears that open all the way to the soul,
bouquets of dandelions,
plates of cookies made with someone special in mind,
prayer in the safety of caring arms,
lack of condition for devotion,
inspired dreams,
fulfilled dreams,
laughter and tickling and inside jokes,
sacrifice with greater gain,
slow joy that permeates from the soul out til it spills onto
your face and your life,
dismissed flaws,
objective questions and open minded answers,
reconsidered frustration and anger and jealousy,
tears of sundry emotions,
friendship that withstands the burden of distance and time,
anxious fear.
A cross, nails, and a blameless heart.
moments and memories of discovery that shape the "me" inside,
twilight naps,
multiple levels of intensity and form,
late night chats,
unconcealed emotions and the courage to express them, regardless
of sanity standard,
unspoken bonds that connect hearts and complete souls.

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